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About Us

World's Best team Behind self Kiosk

Self-service kiosks are devices set up to allow customers to select , browse and pay for products and services without the need of human interaction.

They are highly customizable and can be used in endless situations just connect with Digitos and you will have your solution with hardware and software .

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What is a Self Service Kiosk?

A self-service kiosk is a computerized machine that provides access to information and applications for customers to serve themselves without the need for human assistance. They are often used in retail, hospitality, healthcare, government, and other industries to automate routine tasks, reduce waiting times, and improve customer experience. Examples of self-service kiosks include ATMs, ticketing machines, and vending machines.

They are highly customizable and can be used in endless situations just connect with Digitos and you will have your solution with hardware and software .

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Digitos contactless payment

With Digitos

Contactless' is the word of the moment and the trend being driven hard by the World Health Organisation. Contactless transactions whether they are ordering, payments or distribution through order-ahead services, are helping to protect people in these uncertain times

digitos self ordering fasten up process

With Digitos

A key benefit of self-service kiosks is that they can speed up routine processes, increase throughput and consequently decrease delays and queues. For your business, this means increasing the number of transactions processed and in turn, profitability

Self ordering kiosk
digitos mobile connectivity kiosk

With Digitos

It interfaced with mobile technology allowing customers or staff to interact with the kiosk from another location, increasing productivity, efficiency and profitability. 

Digitos live reporting

With Digitos

Having a continuous view of your business, accessible anywhere by any device, can provide minute-by-minute reporting and make for easier informed decision making

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Use of self service kiosks in various industries

  1. Retail: grocery stores, convenience stores, and department stores

  2. Hospitality: hotels, resorts, and casinos

  3. Healthcare: hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies

  4. Government: DMV offices, post offices, and city halls

  5. Entertainment: movie theaters, amusement parks, and arcades

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